This also means more heroes are going to get cursed with vampirism, resulting in a spiraling cycle of needing ever more blood. There's also one special provision added in the "Crimson Court" DLC to be considered: Blood can be found only by fighting enemies in areas where there's currently an Infestation level, meaning you'll have to hang out there for awhile to keep your roster alive.

For instance, bandages aren't as useful in the Ruins (for the most part) as the skeleton and necromancer enemies exclusive to the Ruins don't usually cause bleed damage, but you can still run into generic enemies like brigands or the Fanatic who do have bleed effects. Note that the provisions listed under each individual area are focused on that area's specific creatures and curios, but there are minor exceptions. Below we explain how to properly provision for every area and how those provisioning strategies can change whether you are more focused on survival or on hauling more loot home. Proper provisioning before a quest can be the difference between survival and disaster, but each area calls for different supplies to be purchased ahead of time.